28 October 2007

US Infantry D-Day Normandy

US Infantry D-Day Normandy by Alberto Beneitez - Spain

13 March 2007

1/72 Scale Conversions from the Toy Arena - Doug Iovinelli

Two little conversions from the toy arena by Doug Iovinelli (Dugzmodels)

1st - a VW that I repainted in DAK colors

2nd - A G.I Joe bulldozer that I repainted into Allied colors to work with those beach engineers

01 February 2007

Italeri 251 and Dragon prebuilt Tiger by Doug Iovinelli

This is a repainted Italeri 251 and Dragon prebuilt Tiger serving in the Tunisian campaign, early on.

The figures are MIlicast and Revell. The markings still need to be weathered a bit.

Doug Iovinelli