12 March 2025

Dead Walk Again - Zombie Wargame Report in 1/72 Scale - Part 1

Hi again, welcome back and as mentioned in the last post I have some photos of a recent zombie game in 1/72 scale.

I've been painting up 20mm zombies on and off for quite a while, using various figures from 1/72 and 1/76 scale sets, some of those "useless" goofy poses, surrendering figures, and various figures with poses that could vaguely pass as "zombie-ish", with a little bending of heads or arms etc. 

Over the last year we haven't been able to game as often as I would have liked as life has a habit of getting in the way of things for all of us, so when a good friend José Juan had a free Saturday and invited me around to his place to host a game I jumped at the chance to dig out the zombies and use them for a multiplayer game using a set of rules called "Dead Walk Again" by Planned Movement Productions. 

My wargaming buddy Iván introduced our group to these rules some 15 years ago and back then he organised a campaign using 28mm figures. Two of the other guys from our group, Carlos and Alejandro contributed with their superb zombie figures and we had some fun multi-player games. These rules no longer seem to be available online which is a real pity as they are really easy to pick up as you play and make for an entertaining game and allow for various players to participate.


There were five of us all together, our host José Juan, a new young guy to the group Luis, and Iván who came along with his young son. These four players controlled small groups of survivors facing off against the hordes of wandering zombies, while yours truly acted as umpire and controlled the zombies who would spawn at various points and relentlessly pursue the survivors as per the zombie movement specifics detailed in the rules.

MAIN MISSION- Players 1, 2 and 3

Three small groups of survivors  have thrown in their lot together out of necessity. Food, and ammo are low and they have no other option but to go into town and raid a warehouse where they can get fresh supplies.

Crossing the town and lugging back supplies on foot is out of the question, so they need to go in vehicles if they have any chance of bringing back sufficient stocks. This also has its drawbacks, the wandering zombies tend to lumber and shuffle in the direction of any source of sound, so the group will have to be quick and avoid staying in one spot for any amount of time.

Player 1 - BIKERS - these two tough-guys have been on the road with their Harleys since the beginning of the zombie apocalypse. Both are armed with hand-guns and assault rifles

Player 2 - REDNECKS - two brothers who hail from a rural community who know how to hunt and shoot. These hard-working and equally as tough farm boys wear their "Redneck" term with pride. One of the brothers carries a scoped hunting rifle, the other a revolver and a double-barrelled shotgun and are riding out the apocalypse in their late daddy's trusty old Chevy van which has never yet let them down.

Player 3 - SWAT - With no functioning state or employer, these heavily armed officers of the law have given over their loyalty to the diverse group they now belong to. They've managed to procure a rugged US Army Humvee which they will use as the spearhed vehicle for the group's incursion into the town.


Player 4 - PILOT AND FAMILY GROUP - A small group of civilians had tried tried to cross the town days earlier with their family members, one of whom is a commercial pilot, in order to reach a small airfield and secure a small aircraft and fly off to a more remote region. However they were set upon by a group of zombies before they reached the airfield, lost some members and were separated. 

A few of the surviving unarmed family members managed to find refuge by scaling a construction crane out of the zombies' reach and sense of smell. (and fortunately for them these zombies are pretty dumb and haven't figured out how to climb metal scaffolding...)

Three remaining members of the group, including the pilot were forced to flee the town.

They enter the again table on foot from the other side of the town and will first try to rescue their stranded family members and then get to the airfield across the the table. They manged to get their hands on weapons, the pilot has a shotgun, the kneeling executive has an assault rifle and the businesswoman is now really the "business" and comes onto the table wielding an Uzi in each hand. 

Player 4 was told in private by the umpire that he couldn't reveal his mission to the other players unless there is direct contact on the table with any figures from the other group. Players 1,2 and 3 don't know Player 4's mission either, nor that there are civilians hiding out up in the construction crane.

The table layout above before the game begins. I didn't have any typical US small-town type buildings, so we had to improvise and settle on using adobe type buildings for the town, giving it a kind of surreal downtown Tijuana look.

THE GAME .....

I'll post pictures of the game itself and how the groups fared in PART 2 of this post on the next update very soon.

Cheers, John

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