23 March 2025

Dead Walk Again - Zombie Wargame Report in 1/72 Scale - Part 2

Back again with part 2 of the zombie game report.

The game began with players 1,2 & 3 entering the town, with the Humvee leading the way. 

As they move in they discover groups of zombies wandering around on the rubble strewn streets, with more appearing around every corner they turn.

As the survivors are all carrying mini walkie-talkies, they can keep in contact wherever they are on the table and with this in mind, Player 2 decides to stop the Dodge and send out one of the farm boys armed with the scoped rifle.

He quickly runs into the high-rise ruins to  climb to the top floor so he can spot for the rest of the group and keep them informed, and at the same time take out as many zombies as possible from a high vantage point.

The Humvee and the Dodge find that their speed is limited to a mere crawl as the streets are cluttered with abandoned vehicles and all kinds of obstacles left over from the post-apocalyptic nightmare.

As the group moves through town, new zombies appear and the bikers who have no vehicles to protect them begin to get nervous as they are swamped with undead approaching from all sides.

Their bikes here are a liability and they have no way of speeding their way out of danger, so Player 1 decides that the bikers will have to abandon their beloved Harleys. 

They leave the bikes with the engines still running while they hastily make off out of harm's way, while the zombies stumble towards and lunge at the bikes only to find that metal and rubber don't taste anything like human flesh.

Player 1 made a wise choice and he knows the rules well, because in the Dead Walk Again ruleset  zombies will move toward any loud source of sound if there are no humans within either "smelling" distance (20cm) or within visual range (40cm).

The dismounted bikers

Meanwhile over on the other side of town, Player 4's small group cautiously heads over on foot towards the warehouse and industrial estate where their family members are up in the crane hiding.

They enter the industrial estate cautiously, trying to avoid any contact with wandering zombies while taking out any individual zombies they might encounter with blows to the head so as to not use their automatic weapons which when fired would alert other zombies to their presence.

However, as they enter the industrial estate they are suddenly surprised by a huge group of zombies milling around the base of the crane.

They're overwhelmed by the sheer number of zombies and have no choice but to use their guns, and start shooting out zombies left, right and centre.

Just as the Humvee and Dodge turn into the industrial estate they hear the sounds of automatic gunfire. They call the others over the walkie-talkies and the sniper tells them he can see a group of people waving from the top of the crane and can see others at the base shooting and being pursued by zombies. 

The lead Humvee turns into the industrial estate and a horde of zombies swamps the vehicle, pounding on the doors and windows, all the while the vehicle keeps moving forward crushing the ones in front and rumbles onward to the other new group at the base of the crane.

High up on the crane platform, Player 4's unarmed stranded family members look down on the events unfolding below.

The bikers have also arrived on foot and help to take out zombies, while Player 4 moves his survivors towards the Humvee to make contact with the other players. 

In the next update we'll see if Player 4 will reveal his full mission to the other players or not. Will he tell them about the plane and their plans to fly out of there ?  Will the other three players be interested ? Will they double-cross him ? We'll see in part 3 the conclusion of the game and whether or not everyone manages to get out of there alive.

In the meantime, a final picture below which shows how we were recording the zombie body count with "dead" zombies eliminated by each player placed on their stat cards. The coloured chips represent the clips/magazines that each weapon has available and as they change an ammo clip the counters are dropped into the cups and once they are gone, no more ammo.

See you on the next update soon.

Cheers, John


  1. Nice battle report! Looks like someone are about to run out of ammunition soon...
    I'm looking forward to the continuation.

  2. Great looking game, your buildings look awesome.
